

荷蘭代爾夫特理工大學J. Ruud van Ommen 教授應邀來四川大學作報告

發(fā)布時間 :2017年05月15日      來源 :       瀏覽量 :

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報告題目:Scalable manufacturing of nanostructured materials by atomic layer deposition in fluidized bed reactors



報告專家:J. Ruud van Ommen 教授


J. Ruud van Ommen received his MSc (1996) and PhD (2001) in Chemical Engineering, both at Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands); he was appointed as assistant professor at Delft afterwards. He has been visiting professor at Chalmers University, Sweden (2004–2005),and the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA (2009). Since 2016, he is full professor in Delft, working on solids processing and chemical reaction engineering, with a focus on scalable manufacturing of nanostructured materials. He has been the recipient of the prestigious VENI (2005), ERC Starting (2011), and ERC Proof of Concept (2013 & 2015) grants. He recently co-founded the spin-off Delft IMP.

International activities

Co‐chair of the BRG 23th International Conference of Bioencapsulation (Delft, Sept. 2015).

Co‐chair of the 14th International Conference on Fluidization (Noordwijkerhout, 2013).

Session organizer of multiple sessions during the AIChE Annual Meeting (since 2009, ongoing).

Member of the advisory board of the tri‐annual Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology (ongoing).

Member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering and Chem Engineering.

上一條:美國科學院院士、美國工程院院士、美國藝術(shù)與科學學院院士哈佛大學David A. Weitz來四川大學作報告
下一條:國家自然科學基金委杰出青年基金獲得者 教育部科技委材料學部委員 天津大學胡文彬教授學術(shù)報告