

四川大學120周年校慶系列活動之學術交流|Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory的Gao Liu教授應邀來四川大學作報告

發(fā)布時間 :2016年06月13日      來源 :       瀏覽量 :

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報告題目:Designing high energy density lithium rechargeable batteries - material and system challenge



Gao Liu教授簡介

Dr. Gao Liu is a Staff Scientist and Principal Investigator in Energy Technologies Area at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, specialized in lithium battery research. Dr. Liu has led energy storage research projects for the U.S. Department of Energy and industry. He current leads a BMW headquarter funded battery project. He has received numerous awards from his work. The most recent awards include R&D100 Award in 2013 for conductive polymer for lithium-ion battery application, and FMC Scientific Achievement Award in 2014 for understanding fundamental of prelithiation, and R&D 100 Award in 2015 for high capacity lithium ion anode design. Dr. Liu also sits in the scientific advisory board of battery start-up companies of Zeptor and Ensor, and is a scientific advisor for Applied Materials Inc. in the US and ATL battery company in China.

上一條:120周年校慶活動| Ghent University and Wuhan University of Technology 的 Prof. Francis Verpoort應邀來四川大學作報告